"How to Own Your Dream Home At
No Cost to You"
ONLY Website in the World
That Teaches You A Simple Plan How to Own Real Estate Absolutely FREE of
Cost, While Remaining with an Average
40-50% Equity
And If You Follow These
Techniques Precisely,
Your New House Could Cost Absolutely Nothing!
What if
you could "place an order" for the your Dream New House (for either
your family, or for monthly rental income) and move in a couple of months or
What if you could get
other people to do all the work?
What if you could get
other people to pay for it… you
wouldn’t have to make a single payment out of your own pocket.
Best of all, what if I said that you could do this over, and over, and
over again? And I mean in any country... in the USA,
Canada, Europe, Australia, France etc... as many times as you’d
like to?
Start your own travel real estate career today.

value: $225,000.00
Owner's Cost: $0.00 (FREE)
Owner's Instant Equity:
$90,000 (40%)
Payments by Owner:
$0 (FREE!)
I do my real estate investing in Florida,
Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York where an average 3-bedroom 2-bath
house can easily cost between $15,000 in some areas and average $1,500,000
in others … no joking! Houses may not cost that much where you
live, but regardless of the you can use our strategies to make millions
through real estate.
I had two goals as a real estate investor:
(probably just like you), I wanted my own dream new house… and wanted it
for a very good price. There was a vision in my mind of the exact
property I wanted. Have you ever dreamt of the perfect house for you? I
visualized it constantly, I couldn’t get the dream out of my mind.
(maybe like you, maybe not), I wanted to buy other real estate
investments… again, only for a very good price. Then I could
earn a lot of money
by leasing these other investments to worthy tenants… hiring a property
management company to do all the “landlord work” for me.
But it was hard to find these very good prices. As a real estate investor,
I knew how to structure deals so that I wouldn’t have to make any
payments once I bought a property… as long as I could buy the
property for a big discount in the first place.
However over the last few years, it has become increasingly hard to find any
good properties at all… not to mention at a discount. House prices are
the highest that they’ve ever been!
You’re probably thinking: “Of course houses are expensive, ZOWES… but you
said you’d tell me how I can own one for FREE”.
you’re about to find out how!
After a long time, I became tired of searching the whole city (and it’s a
BIG city) for the “deals” that “only” cost three or four hundred thousand
dollars… especially when these so-called bargains were usually older,
run-down homes.
I would never want to live in these houses myself, not to mention rent them
to tenants. I wanted to provide great homes that families would
love to live in, not become a slumlord! I also wanted to find
my own dream new home…
If I was going to continue a real estate investing career, I needed a new
angle… a technique that
nobody else was using to obtain premium-quality houses at extremely low
prices. Then it struck me…
that's exactly how you will feel when you learn this technique...
I just wanted to say
thank you, because I've been able to make more money using your method
then any other form of real estate investing combined.
Thank YOU!"
Jerry. from San Diego, CA |
Time to
Ask the Experts
I interviewed many real estate professionals from all phases of the industry
to get answers.
Nobody knew how to do everything I wanted. I’d get
partial information from one group, more information from others.
That’s when I started noticing a pattern in the advice I was getting:
There are people who
do know how to own
a new house for 50-60% of the selling price… because
that’s their job; but they
don’t know how to obtain funding.
Mortgage Brokers
do know how to get no-down-payment loans that pay for clients
… because that’s their job; but they don’t know how to Own a free
house. They leave that to "YOU".
Real Estate Agents
do know how to buy property at big discounts… because they
can “grab” the best deals before they ever reach the marketplace; but
they don’t know
how to structure a financing deal, so that the buyer doesn’t have to make
payments. That’s not their concern… the broker steps out of the
picture once the sale is completed.
Real Estate Investors
do know how to structure financing deals so that they can
buy property without having to make ANY payments out of their own
pocket, because that’s their business; but they don’t know
how to find discount property to build it on… they have to rely on
brokers or agents to get them property, usually at premium prices.
Using all of this new information, I sat down and charted
a plan, combining the best techniques of all four groups of real estate
professionals. When I was done, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I
double-checked it, then triple-checked it. But it was true... in
front of me was the
How to Own
Your Free Dream New Home™ system.
I couldn’t believe that it would work. If it was
so easy and effective...
Why hasn’t anyone come up with this plan before?
I finished a draft, and let my experts review it for
accuracy. I figured that they would find the error I was making, and
tell me why it wouldn't work. But instead, I found out
exactly why it works, and realized why the
How to Own Your Free Dream New Home
system is unique!
When the
Mortgage Brokers
read the section about getting no-payment loans, there was no reaction.
To them, it was common knowledge that these loans exist, where they
are, and how to get them.
But, when the brokers read the section about how I
can own houses for HALF the selling price using this borrowed money, they
were shocked! Once they realized how Real Estate Agents can
huge discount
property deals, they were floored. And when they finally
learned how
Investors can keep property without making ANY payments,
they were absolutely astounded.
Reactions from the Investors were different… the secrets
to owning property without payments didn’t phase them at all. Again,
most real estate investors
know all about these techniques.
However, when these investors read the other three
sections about how the other
types of professionals do their business, they were flabbergasted.
The Investors had been working with these other professionals for years, but
really had no idea how they "did what they did".
That’s when I realized why the draft of the
How to Own Your Free Real Estate Investment
system was so revolutionary. It’s not that any of techniques
are new on their own. But together they form an
entirely new system for owning property,
which has never been published before.
Based on their positive reactions, I stopped showing the
draft around… and
immediately put a legal Copyright on the system!
But word spread too quickly…
Remember that old commercial that goes “and they told two
friends, and they told two friends, and they told two friends…”? Well,
that’s exactly what happened. It seemed like EVERYBODY wanted
to see my results, and learn about the techniques.
For a long time I was reluctant, because I wanted to keep
these powerful techniques
to myself. But after some thought I decided to publish the draft for a
few reasons:
The market is wide open: Even if a
million people around the world learned the system and followed its
techniques, there would still be
plenty of opportunity
for everyone to use it. Demand for good quality housing is
at an all-time high, as evidenced by the extremely
high prices we all see for houses nowadays.
I wanted to help the professionals who had helped
me: in truth, all the techniques were “out there” and brought
to me by other people in the industry. I merely found a new way to
put the pieces together, and created a new recipe for success. As
contributors, I owed it to them to return the favor by sharing
information back.
I realized that this could help people who had NO
previous experience in real estate: The professionals reading
my draft system were
by the “missing 3/4” of
information it contained (meaning the professionals knew about the 1/4
that concerned their industry, but not the other 3). Even though
they didn't have experience in the other 3 areas, everyone who read it
told me that the way I explained the other sides were
very clear and easy to understand.
Then, I showed the
How to Own Your Free Real Estate Investment
system to a personal friend of mine, a friend who has
no real estate experience. She
it, and had the same reaction as the real estate professionals! Since
she didn’t have any previous experience, to her it was the “missing 4/4”…
but when she was done, she knew enough to build her own free house as well!
That’s when I
knew I had
to make the draft public… if it could help regular people own
the house of their dreams, how could I keep it to myself?
Now, for the first
time, YOU can learn these secrets!
you like to learn how:
people all over the united States, Canada, & United Kingdom can own a
free $425,000 house?
can make
$1 Million+ every year,
without ever lifting a hammer?
How you can
own properties, without spending a penny of your own money?
can do ALL of these things, without any credentials or
Imagine a time in the
future, maybe three months from now… you are standing in front of your new
You hold the keys in one
hand, and the deed (with your name on it) in the other. You’re
scarcely able to believe that it happened with so little effort, and with no
money out of your pocket…
…and you’ll think back
to today as having been the start of it all.
How would
you like a $1.1 Million Dollar New Home Free?

Appraised value: $1,100,000.00
Owner's Cost: $464,500.00
Owner's Instant Equity:
$560,000 (40%)
Payments by Owner:
$0 (FREE!)
you like
proof that this is for real?
You can see it for yourself, with absolutely no risk
to you. I personally guarantee that after reading this information and
using the strategies in
How to Own Your Free Real Estate
system, you will have all the information necessary to "place an order" for
your dream house, and not pay a cent for it's construction. I will
offer you a
full 90 days to check out the system, and talk to the industry
resources to see if what I'm saying is true.
believe in the power of this system (and believe in your ability to use
it) so much that I can, with no reservation, offer a 100% total refund
to anybody
who feels that, after reading the material, it does not deliver on the very
bold promises made on this web page.
No need to ship anything back, call a customer service
representative, or go through any hassle. Just send me an email
saying, "Sorry Zowes, but all that information wasn't worth what I paid...
give me a refund" and I will do so immediately, no questions asked!
Although I wish I could be all things to all people...
the truth is that this material is not for everyone. Almost 5% of the people
who order this system decide that it is not something that they can do.
Those people get their $299 refunded IMMEDIATELY upon
But if you are in
the other (more than) 95%, you can get
much much more...
I Want
You to Own a Brand New Home (or Twelve!)
There is one catch... the course is not complete yet. All that's
missing are some pictures and other illustrations that I want to add. They
aren't really relevant to the coursework. But since the course manual
isn't as "pretty" as I'd like it to be (and therefore not a "finished
product"), the perfectionist inside of me doesn't want to release it until
it's perfect.
However, many early-adopter types who've heard me discuss this project have
asked if I could offer a "sneak peek".
They want to start using the powerful techniques in this course
right now.
After much thought, I have decided to release a special draft for
their (and your) immediate consideration. This special draft contains
ALL of the knowledge of the
How to Own Your Free Real Estate™
system. Based on the results of my marketing survey, the
completed course will be priced at $299 (US), per student. But since
the course manual isn't as "pretty" as I'd like it to be, and to help with
my testing, I'm offering this draft for $274 LESS
than what other
customers might pay, if they come to this site tomorrow! I'm reviewing
this reduced price on a daily basis, and could end the discount soon.
During this testing phase, I'd like your permission to
offer you access to the copyrighted draft of the manual for the entire
How to Own Your Free Real Estate Investing™
course for only
I hope you agree that this is a huge bargain,
given that the amazing and unique benefits that this course teaches
anyone who's longing to own a brand new custom-designed house.
This extreme discount is
guaranteed while this page still exists... when I finish the
course illustrations, I will erase all mention of the draft (and the
discount) from this page. Then I will only offer
How to Own Your Free Real Estate Investing
course™ at the FULL
price of $299, sometime in the winter of
However, I
promise to honor the
price for any orders received before 11:59pm tonight.
Plus as a special bonus we'll also give you these powerful tools:
One Extra Powerful Method How to Own
Your Dream Home for FREE that will positively blow your mind.
This guide could be worth hundreds
of thousands of dollars in savings to you.
order now.
Loan Glossary of Terms
You don't have to get a banking degree in
order to speak the language. This helpful glossary will have you talking the
talk in no time.
order now.
Recent Letters
you, thank you, thank you. Just moved in!
This works like a charm." Great Information!
- by
Brendon A. in Orangeburgh, SC
really have re-inspired me!"
"I have
bought several other real estate investing courses. They are
either long and boring, or next to impossible to use here in Broward.
"Your guide is short and sweet. It doesn't promise a get
rich quick scheme, but it does help me visualize a systematic
approach that can bring wealth to fruition over approximately a five
year period.
"It has the beauty of simplicity."
- by
W. Walker. in Fort Lauderdale, FL |
The cost of this course could also
tax-deductible, as an expense for your investment education. This
deduction is normally available to US residents (for students in other
countries, please consult your tax preparer... similar laws exist in
all countries based on English Common Law). The receipt for your
records will be
emailed after purchase.
is a digitally-delivered product, which means you can start using the course
right away... no waiting for shipping! You can start using these
powerful techniques within the next 20 minutes!
To your success,
You will be amazed at how simple and easy it is to use these
techniques immediately. But if by some chance you find that the system is
not suitable for you, you are protected by my 100% ironclad money-back
guarantee for the next 90 days.
If you delay accepting on this offer, do you think that you'll find another
program that will show you how to own a brand new house, for no money
out of your pocket? We both know that it was no accident that you
viewed this product today... you're here to get what you and
your family
deserve from this life... the piece of mind and financial
stability that these techniques can bring you.
Click here to order now.
If not now, when? If not you, who? Take the one small step today
that can put you on the road to comfortable living and financial security.
I'll be here to help if you have any questions. I promise that you'll
be glad you ordered this course... and the ironclad 90-day guarantee
proves it!
Once you own your new house, please send me an email with your story &
experience (and pictures of your new castle!)
You deserve to have a
beautiful new home!
“Real estate is an imperishable
asset, ever increasing in value. It is the most solid
security that human ingenuity has devised. It is the basis of all
security and about the only indestructible
Sage |
90 Days Full Refund
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